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Задания для IELTS speaking part 2 2018. Рассматриваем новые темы и готовимся более плотно именно к ним. Хорошая подготовка залог успешной сдачи теста.

В этом списке предлагаем вам ознакомиться с темами, которые встречались у студентов по всеми миру в последнее время.

Список 1

  1. A day that cost you nothing (activities that are free to do)
  2. A recreational center that could be started in your town
  3. Something you bought recently that made you very happy
  4. An activity for healthy living
  5. An interesting foreign person
  6. A furniture you like
  7. A good parent
  8. A country you would like to work or live in
  9. A historical event
  10. An exciting book

Список 2

  1. A car journey
  2. A good service from a shop or a company
  3. A useful device (not a computer)
  4. A difficult decision
  5. A traditional clothing in your country
  6. A public place you visited
  7. An interesting school subject
  8. A time when you helped an old person
  9. A time you taught someone something
  10. An unusual meal

Список 3

  1. A school rule you didn’t like
  2. A TV show
  3. A facility you would like to have in your town
  4. An important letter
  5. An occasion when a visitor came to your house
  6. A popular person you know
  7. A time someone took a nice photo of you
  8. An area of water in your country (lake, river, etc.)
  9. A special occasion in your life
  10. A traditional product of your country
Список 4
  1. A toy from your childhood
  2. A time you had to be polite
  3. A good story you have been told
  4. A time you were glad you had your mobile phone
  5. A time you saved money
  6. Your biggest achievement
  7. A time you went out with friends
  8. A season you enjoy
  9. A recent development in the place where you live
  10. A successful business person
  11. A perfect holiday

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