IELTS Speaking part 1 имеет ограниченный набор вопросов. Это означает, что их все можно классифицировать.

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What do you like most about X? – тип вопросов, который часто задают на тесте. Чтобы на него ответить, вам нужно следовать рекомендациям в посте.

Мы с вами рассмотрим разные типы вопросов и то, как можно на них ответить. Это не является лучшим или единственно правильным ответом. Но я вам рекомендую взять их себе на заметку.

Помните, что хорошая подготовка – залог успешной сдачи любого экзамена.

Итак, когда экзаменатор спрашивает вас подобного рода вопросы

  1. What do you like most abot your job?
  2. What do you like most about your home town?
  3. Which is your favourite type of the weather?

Помните, что вопросы необязательно должны начинаться именно так. Главное, проанализируйте саму суть вопроса, и затем применяйте наши рекомендации.

Порядок ответа

  • Сказать какие аспекты X вам больше всего нравятся
  • Объясните почему

Вам нужно освоить следующую структуру:

  • Использовать глаголы, изменяющие наречия, для выражения степени симпатии (“I especially like playing the piano”/”Students particularly enjoy going to bars and night clubs”)
  • Использовать параллельные структуры правильно (“I like going to the cinema, watching TV and playing video games”),
  • Использовать простые соединительные слова правильно (“Although Beijing has developed really fast, it’s still not very expensive”/ “I don’t like travelling to work, but I enjoy my job”)

Шаг 1 выражение степени симпатии

Используйте различные способы для выражения того, как сильно вам нравятся различные аспекты X.

Adverb Verb Activity/place
really like Verb-ing.   Noun
especially enjoy
particularly love


  • I really enjoy watching the trees by the lake bend in the wind.
  • I particularly like my hometown’s food.
  • I especially love attending my psychology lectures.

Можно использовать любые из комбинаций из таблицы выше. Обратите внимание, что после “like”, “love” и “enjoy” следует использовать либо глагол в герундии V-ing либо существительное. Поэтому получаем:

“I especially like/love/enjoy walking in the countryside”

“I especially like/love/enjoy the countryside

Но нельзя сказать: “I love/like/enjoy to walking”

Практические упражнения:

  1. I really liking meeting new people.
  2. I particularly to love travelling as part of my job.
  3. She especially enjoys visit the famous sights in my hometown.
  4. I enjoy to taking photographs and sending postcards home
  5. I very like living with my classmates in our dormitory.
  6. I really love snowy weather.

Шаг 2 параллельные структуры

Параллельная структура означает, что последовательность слов в предложении “согласуется” друг с другом. Лучший способ понять это -взглянуть на следующие примеры.

  • I really enjoy watching plays, writing papers and listening to the school band
  • My mother particularly likes to dance, go out to restaurants and spend time with the family

Как вы заметили, все глаголы в предложениях выше, имеют одинаковую форму. Так что можно сказать, что они “согласуются” друг с другом. Многие кандидаты теряют баллы на экзамене из-за того, что совершают типичные ошибки по согласованию. Обратите внимание на примеры ниже, где показаны типичные ошибки.

  • “I especially like reading scientific journals, have fun with my study mates and relaxing on campus” (X)
  • “I like to scientific journals, have fun with my study mates and relaxing on campus” (X)

Практические задания

Choose the appropriate words from the choices below to complete the sentences

  1. There are many things that I like about New Year. We all watch television, light fireworks outside the door, and … songs together. A. Sing   b. singing
  2. He especially loves whistling whilst … his bikes through the city suburbs. A. Ride    b. riding
  3. I really love to hike, swim and … my bicycle. A. Ride    b. riding
  4. There are so many things I like about my job. My colleagues are great. We do a lot together I our spare time. We often go drinking in bars, … in clubs and singing at karaoke bars during the weekend! A.Dance   b. dancing
  5. As a student I enjoy learning new things, … my friends on campus and studying in the library. A. To meet b. meeting
  6. My study mates like ____________ every day, play sports together and study in the park. A. To exercise b. exercising

Шаг 3. Слова-связки

Для того, чтобы звучать как носитель языка и увеличить свой балл на экзамене, нужно использовать больше слов-связок. Они могут показывать сравнение, контраст и последовательность между идеями и чувствами используя переходные или слова-связки.

Обратите внимание на следующие слова-связки и как они используются.

  • But. I really like my mathematics teacher, but I like my geography teacher more.
  • However.My major is German, however, I find my law class more exciting.
  • Although. Although I study hard most of the time, I always find some time for having fun on the weekends. / I always find some time for having fun on the weekends, although I study hard most of the time.
  • Though. I enjoy learning to play the guitar, though it’s difficult at times./Though it’s difficult at times, I enjoy learning to play the guitar.
  • As opposed to. Students discuss ideas, as opposed to just copying from the books.
  • Besides. Besides cooking and painting, I often do other activities like singing and hanging out with my friends. / I often do other activities like singing and hanging out with my friends besides cooking and painting.
  • As well as.She’s my classmate as well as my best friend. / As well as being my best friend she’s my classmate.
  • Also. I love running in the park. I also run in the gym.

Практическое задание

Match the sentence halves 1-8 with the sentence halves A-H

1.i’m really happy with my university appearance, the sports facilities and sculptures, …….

2.i enjoy a lot of things about being a student, …

3.i like my city because it’s old, historical and …

4.i love the winters in Astana because of the snow, ice and clear skies; … well as being a modern, clean and fashionable place to live, …

6.Although I’m generally not a social person, …

7.My job offers me lots of opportunities to be creative and work in a team …

8.When I go travelling I enjoy going for long walks …

a… however, I don’t really like too far into unknown territory – I’m afraid of getting lost!

b.…I really like my hometown because it’s so interesting

c.… the thing about working life I enjoy the most is going out to lunch and dinner with my colleagues.

d.… though my favorite thing is most certainly the new restaurant on campus – it’s great!

e.… besides having flexible working hours.

f.… also a friendly place to live

g.… but the thing I like most is the opportunity to meet lots of clever, thoughtful people.

h.…as opposed to the awful summers with hot, dry air.

Типичный ответ

Interviewer: What do you like most about student life?

Candidate: What I particularly like about student life is the golden opportunity it gives me to expand my horizons. At university I can not only increase my knowledge about my major and learn new things like Tango and hiking, but I can also meet lots of new people.

Interviewer: What’s the best thing about your hometown?

Candidate: My hometown is Xiamen which is situated in Fujian Province. The best thing about my hometown is its location. It’s right on the coast, and from most places in the city there are beautiful views of the sea. Although we get the odd typhoon every year because we are by the seaside, we also enjoy light sea breezes during the summer. But what I especially value about Xiamen’s location is the fresh seafood we can eat all year round.

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