Think you know everything about the Upside Down? Buckle up and put your knowledge of Hawkins, Indiana’s strangest mysteries to the test with this 15-question Stranger Things quiz! From demogorgons and waffles to Eleven’s powers and hidden government facilities, this quiz will challenge even the most hardcore fans.

Ready to prove you’re a true Stranger Things expert? Take the quiz and see how you score!

1.What song helps rescue Max from Vecna’s curse?
2.At Surfer boy Pizza everything is fresh except for … what?
3.Where does Vecna’s clock first appear?
4.What film does Jonathan suggest going to see?
5.What is the name of Eddie’s band?
6.What torture device do the Russians use on Hopper?
7.What film does Steve recommend to the customer in Family Video?
8.What product is Yuri infamous for smuggling into Russia?
9.Eddie’s uncle compares Victor Creel to which movie monster?
10.What colour are the socks Mike buys at the Rink-O-Mania?
11.What D&D alignment is Erica’s character, Lady Applejack?
12.What is the third word spelled out on the Lite Brite toy from the Upside Down?
13.What number is on Luca’s basketball jersey?
14.What is Reefer Rick’s full name?
15.What is the name of El’s new Californian teacher?

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