Fiscal policy, incentives, and Secondary Effects.

Fiscal policy refers to the actions taken by the government to influence the economy through spending and taxation. The two main tools of fiscal policy are government spending, which can be used to stimulate economic activity, and taxation, which can be used to control inflation and raise revenue.

Incentives refer to the benefits or penalties that are used to encourage or discourage certain behaviors. Fiscal policy can be used to create incentives for individuals and businesses, such as tax breaks for companies that invest in research and development or for individuals that save for retirement.

Secondary effects refer to the unintended consequences of a policy, including any changes in behavior or economic activity that result from the policy. For example, a policy that provides a tax break for businesses might lead to an increase in the prices of goods and services, which would have a secondary effect on inflation.

Fiscal policy, incentives, and secondary effects are closely related and interact in complex ways. Incentives can be used to achieve specific policy goals, but they may also have unintended consequences that need to be considered. Fiscal policy can be used to create incentives, but it also has secondary effects on the economy, such as changes in inflation, employment, and economic growth. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the potential secondary effects of fiscal policy when designing and implementing it.

1.Which of the following is most likely to occur when budget deficits are financed by additional government borrowing in an economy?
2.Which of the following is true of increases in government spending financed by borrowing?
3.Given the political incentive structure of the U.S. economy, it has been observed that:
4.Compared to a permanent tax reduction, a temporary tax cut:
5.Which of the following is true of the crowding-out effect?
6.According to Keynesian economists, which of the following is most likely to be true during a recessionary period?
7.The high ratio of debt to GDP of the United States is unlikely to cause severe problems as long as:
8.According to the Keynesian view, the large budget deficits of 2008-2019 resulted in
9.According to the new classical view, a tax cut financed by borrowing will:
10.According to the new classical economists, an expansionary fiscal policy will:
11.According to new classical economists, which of the following is most likely to be true?
12.A similarity between the crowding-out effect and the new classical view is that both indicate that:
13.A high marginal tax rate results in a(n):
14.Which of the following makes restrictive fiscal policy largely ineffective against inflation?
15.According to supply-side economics, all other things remaining constant, a low marginal tax rate results in a(n):
16.Which of the following is most likely to be an effect of an increase in interest rates in the United States?
17.Which of the following was true of the U.S. recession of 2008–2009 in the years that followed?
18.According to supply-side economics, pushing marginal tax rates to high levels will:
19.Keynesian economists tend to favor an increase in government spending over a tax cut to promote the recovery of an economy from a recession. This is because they believe that:
20.The implementation of restrictive fiscal policy by the government is likely to:
21.Automatic stabilizers:
22.Identify the correct statement about the crowding-out effect.
23.High marginal tax rates in an economy:
24.In the Keynesian model, a tax cut financed by borrowing will result in a(n):
25.According to the critics of Keynesian economics, which of the following would be most likely to occur as the result of increases in government expenditures financed by borrowing?
26.Which of the following is likely to occur when private investment is crowded out by higher interest rates in an economy?
27.Which of the following is true according to public choice analysis?
28.Identify the correct statement about the impact of a tax cut according to the new classical view.
29.According to supply-side economics, which of the following is a result of lower marginal tax rates in an economy?
30.Which of the following is likely to occur when the government finances its budget deficit by borrowing from the private loanable funds market?
31.Which of the following is true of a one-time tax rebate?
32.Ricardian equivalence implies that a tax reduction financed with government debt will:
33.Which of the following is likely to be a result of the crowding-out effect in an open economy?
34.According to supply-side economics, a reduction in marginal tax rates is most likely to eventually result in a:
35.The new classical economists believe that debt financing affects:
36.Supply-side critics point out that reductions in marginal tax rates:
37.If a budget deficit in an open economy is financed by borrowing from abroad, it is likely to result in a(n):
38.According to the new classical view, a tax cut financed by borrowing will:
39.Which of the following limits the effectiveness of discretionary fiscal policy as a stabilization tool?
40.New government spending projects designed to stimulate the economy:
41.Supply-side economics:
42.According to the Keynesian view, the rapid increase in government spending and large budget deficits in response to the recession of 2008-2009
43.Which of the following is the central element of supply-side economics?
44.Critics of Keynesian economics argue that increases in government spending as part of an expansionary fiscal policy to combat a recession will lead to:
45.High marginal tax rates:
46.Which of the following occurred during the U.S. recession of 2008–2009?
47.An increase in government spending financed by borrowing is likely to:
48.According to the critics of supply-side economics, tax cuts:
49.According to the critics of Keynesian economics, which of the following is a result of an expansionary fiscal policy during a recession?
50.According to the Keynesian view, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

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