Demand, Supply, and the Market Process

Demand, supply, and the market process are key concepts in economics that describe the interactions between buyers and sellers in a market.

Demand refers to the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at different prices. The law of demand states that as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity demanded decreases. Conversely, as the price decreases, the quantity demanded increases.

Supply refers to the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to offer for sale at different prices. The law of supply states that as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity supplied increases. Conversely, as the price decreases, the quantity supplied decreases.

The market process is the interaction between buyers and sellers in a market that determines the price and quantity of a good or service. The market process is driven by the forces of supply and demand. When the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, the price increases. When the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded, the price decreases. The point where the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded is called the equilibrium point, and the price at this point is called the equilibrium price.

The market process is an ongoing process that is constantly adjusting to changes in the quantity demanded and supplied. For example, a new technology or a change in consumer preferences may increase the demand for a good or service, resulting in an increase in the price. Conversely, an increase in the supply of a good or service may decrease the price.

In conclusion, demand, supply and the market process are key concepts in economics that describe the interactions between buyers and sellers in a market. The market process is driven by the forces of supply and demand, and it is constantly adjusting to changes in the quantity demanded and supplied. The point where the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded is called the equilibrium point, and the price at this point is called the equilibrium price.

1.A decrease in the demand for burgers is illustrated by a(n):
2.At a price of $650, Erin, Jordan, and Luda all purchase the latest version of the iPhone. They were willing to pay as much as $1,000, $800, and $750, respectively. The total consumer surplus generated by all three purchases is:
3.Which of the following is true of market prices?
4.When the quantity of a good supplied is highly responsive to the price of the good, the supply curve of the good is most likely to be:
5.The sum of the producer’s economic cost of all resources used to produce a good will equal:
6.If the demand for a good, such as tacos, is relatively elastic:
7.Producer surplus equals:
8.The demand for a good will be more inelastic if:
9.Which of the following is likely to occur when the price of peanut butter decreases from $3 per pound to $2 per pound?
10.Entrepreneurs acting within business firms earn a profit when:
11.Which of the following will most likely increase the demand for electric automobiles?
12.Which of the following would result in the demand curve for a good being relatively elastic?
13.Consumers will tend to expand their consumption of a good until:
14.Which of the following is likely to occur when the price of butter increases from $3 per pound to $5 per pound?
15.With consumer preferences moving toward low-carbohydrate foods, there is a decrease in the demand for high-carbohydrate foods. This would be illustrated by:
16.Which of the following correctly illustrates a change in the demand for a good?
17.When a major hurricane hits the Gulf of Mexico, oil refinery production is usually interrupted. This is illustrated as a(n):
18.Francesca decides to invest $100,000 of her own savings into starting her own business producing cheese. If the current rate of interest is 5 percent, Francesca’s opportunity cost of the money she is using to start her business producing cheese would equal:
19.The height of the supply curve of a good represents:
20.When excess demand is present in a market,
21.Consumer surplus is equal to the:
22.Suppose all the students of Nowhere State University go home during their summer break. Which of the following is likely to be the effect of this on the demand curve for pizzas in the town in which the university is located?
23.The tendency of market prices to direct individuals pursuing their own interests to engage in activities promoting the economic well-being of society is known as the:
24.A technological advance that lowers the cost of production of wheat is most likely to:
25.An increase in the price of apples will cause which of the following to occur in the market for oranges, a substitute product?
26.A technological advance that lowers the production cost of laptop computers would result in:
27.The negative slope of the demand curve for a good shows that as:
28.Suppose Kayla can produce one of two goods on her farm at equal cost: barley or corn. She currently maximizes profit by producing equal amounts of both goods. If the world price of corn increases, Kayla would have a strong incentive to:
29.Which of the following is true regarding the total and marginal value of water when it is widely available at a low price?
30.In a market, excess supply:
31.Which of the following is most likely to happen when the market price of cereals decreases?
32.If consumers expect the price of gasoline to increase substantially in the near future, they are most likely to:
33.When the quantity of a good purchased is highly responsive to a change in its price, the demand curve for the good is most likely to be relatively:
34.The height of the demand curve for a good at any specific quantity shows:
35.Graphically, consumer surplus is the:
36.The demand curve for a good will be downward sloping reflecting:
37.An increase in the quantity demanded of a good caused by a reduction in the price of a good is reflected by:
38.Which of the following is true when the price of a good increases?
39.If the quantity supplied of a good is not very responsive to a change in the price of the good, the supply curve is:
40.An increase in the price of water for irrigation increases the cost of producing wheat. Which of the following will occur?
41.Suppose Derek wins the lottery. For most goods he consumes we would anticipate that there would be a(n):
42.When the demand for a good is relatively inelastic, its demand curve is most likely to be:
43.Fiona loves blueberry cheesecake and she is willing to pay as much as $5 for the first slice. If Hannah’s Bakery serves a slice of the cake for $1.50, her consumer surplus from one slice equals:
44.The efficiency of a market organization depends on:
45.Which of the following is true when a loss incurred by a producer of a good or service in a competitive marketplace?
46.If the government increases the tax imposed on cheese producers, it will result in a(n):
47.Which of the following is true of the demand curve for a good?
48.The willingness of consumers to pay a price greater than a good’s opportunity cost indicates that:
49.If the price of lumber increases, what will happen in the market for newly constructed housing?
50.Which of the following is true?

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