Costs and the supply of goods

Costs and the supply of goods are two essential economic concepts that play a crucial role in determining the prices and availability of products in the market. The relationship between costs and supply is straightforward: as the cost of producing a product increases, the supply of that product tends to decrease, and vice versa.

In general, the cost of production is comprised of various inputs, such as labor, raw materials, and capital. As these inputs increase, the cost of producing a product also increases. This, in turn, affects the quantity of the product a producer is willing and able to supply in the market. If the cost of production is high, the producer is less likely to produce a large quantity of the product, as it would result in lower profits.

On the other hand, if the cost of production is low, the producer is more likely to produce a large quantity of the product, as it would result in higher profits. This relationship between the cost of production and the amount supplied is reflected in the supply curve, which slopes upward. The upward slope of the supply curve reflects the positive relationship between the cost of production and the quantity supplied.

It is important to note that other factors besides the cost of production also influence the supply of goods. For example, technological advancements, government regulations, and market competition can also affect the supply of goods. However, the relationship between costs and supply remains an essential aspect of the market economy and helps to explain the availability and prices of products in the market.

In conclusion, costs and the supply of goods are closely related concepts that play a critical role in determining the prices and availability of products in the market. As the cost of production increases, the supply of goods tends to decrease, and vice versa, which is reflected in the upward slope of the supply curve. This relationship between costs and supply is essential in understanding the functioning of the market economy.

1.Which of the following is most likely to be true of economic and accounting profits?
2.Which of the following is a characteristic of corporations?
3.The historical costs of past decisions that cannot be reversed are known as:
4.If a firm produces 36 units of output with 3 workers and 44 units of output with 4 workers:
5.The short run is the time period during which:
6.The incentive problem that occurs when the purchaser of services (such as an employer) lacks full information about the circumstances faced by the seller (such as an employee) and cannot know how well the person performs the services is known as:
7.Suppose a company invests $1 million of its own retained earnings in buying new machinery and equipment. The money was being held in a bank account that earned 10 percent interest per year. The implicit, opportunity cost of this equity capital per year is:
8.Which of the following is most likely to be an implicit cost to a firm?
9.A proprietorship is a business firm:
10.Identify the correct statement about an average product curve and a marginal product curve.
11.Which of the following is a difference between contracting and team production?
12.Which of the following is not true of residual claimants?
13.Which of the following would most likely result in an upward shift of a firm’s cost curve?
14.Which of the following is true of a firm when it decides to produce zero units of output in the short run?
15.Suppose Alpert Technologies produces widgets. If the fixed cost of the firm is $50,000 and it produces 2,500 widgets per month, then the firm’s average fixed cost equals:
16.Which of the following is true regarding production costs?
17.Jane’s florist has an accounting profit of $150,000, and she does not pay herself a salary. She left a job earning $100,000 to start her business and took $400,000 out of her savings account that was earning 10 percent interest to buy the building and equipment. Which of the following is Jane’s economic profit or loss?
18.If a firm expands its plant size in the long run and as a result the per unit costs of production fall, the firm is said to be experiencing:
19.Which of the following is most likely to be true when the output produced by a firm increases in the short run?
20.Suppose Comproot Industries produces 100 tractors. If total fixed cost is $5,000 and total variable cost is $2,700, the firm’s average variable cost equals:
21.When a resource is used, the highest valued alternative forgone by the resource owner is known as the:
22.Which of the following is true of a plant whose rate of output is small relative to its most efficient capacity?
23.Which of the following is true of a firm’s cost curves?
24.Which of the following would cause a firm’s cost curve to shift downward?
25.Fiona’s bakery has revenue of $200,000 and accounting (explicit) costs of $75.000. If Fiona had not invested her own money in the bakery, she could have earned $30,000 in interest income from a bank. To start her business, where she works without a salary, she left a manager’s job where she earned an annual salary of $120,000. Given the information, Fiona’s accounting and economic profit/loss equals:
26.Which of the following costs will remain unchanged when the level of output rises or falls in the short run?
27.Identify the correct statement about a long-run average total cost curve.
28.If a firm produces 200 units of output, has total variable cost of $5,000 and total fixed cost of $3,000, which of the following is not true?
29.Which of the following is the name given to individual(s) who personally receive the excess of revenues over costs in a business?
30.Identify the correct statement about a firm.
31.The average total cost curve of a firm is U-shaped because:
32.Which of the following reflects economies of scale?
33.If a firm earns zero economic profit, it:
34.Which of the following forms of business organization combines the advantages of limited liability of a corporation but the tax advantages of a sole proprietorship or partnership?
35.Which of the following is true when marginal cost is less than average total cost?
36.Identify the correct statement about marginal cost, average total cost, and average fixed cost.
37.Which of the following are the two costs normally omitted from accounting costs but included in economic costs for a business?
38.Which of the following is a major difference between proprietorship and corporation forms of business organization?
39.If a firm produces 100 units of output, has total cost of $5,000 and total fixed cost of $3,000, the firm’s average variable cost is:
40.If the normal rate of return in an economy is 15 percent, and a specific business firm is currently earning a 10 percent return:
41.Which of the following types of business organization accounts for the largest share of business revenue in the U.S. economy?
42.Identify the correct statement about the relationship between average and marginal product.
43.Identify the correct statement about a firm’s marginal cost curve.
44.Which of the following is a characteristic of a partnership form of business organization?
45.Economic profit is:

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