IELTS Speaking part 1 имеет ограниченный набор вопросов. Это означает, что их все можно классифицировать.

Do you prefer X to Y? – тип вопросов, который часто задают на тесте. Чтобы на него ответить, вам нужно следовать рекомендациям в посте.

Мы с вами рассмотрим разные типы вопросов и то, как можно на них ответить. Это не является лучшим или единственно правильным ответом. Но я вам рекомендую взять их себе на заметку.

Помните, что хорошая подготовка – залог успешной сдачи любого экзамена.

Итак, когда экзаменатор спрашивает вас подобного рода вопросы?

Do you prefer X to Y? type questions

  1. Do you prefer writing letters or sending emails?
  2. Do you prefer talking on the phone or chatting online?
  3. Do you prefer to travel by bike or on foot?
  4. Do you prefer living in a city or in the countryside?
  5. Do you prefer watching films at home or in the cinema?
  6. Do you prefer travelling alone or with friends?

Вам необходимо следовать простым рекомендациям.

Порядок ответа:

  1. Сказать какой из двух вы предпочитаете
  2. Сравнить две вещи, о которых говорит экзаменатор
  3. Представить примеры и объяснить почему.

Вам нужно освоить или повторить следующую структуру

  1. Master prefer + verb-ing (“I prefer dancing”) and prefer + to verb (“I prefer to dance”)
  2. Use comparatives of convenience or greater benefit like a native speaker (“Living in the capital is much more interesting than in the village”)

Шаг 1 Предпочтения

The first thing you need to tell the examiner for this type of question is whether you prefer X or Y. Prefer can be followed either by verb-ing or to verb

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Please be aware that prefer + verb-ing can be followed by either “to” or “rather than”, but prefer + to verb can only be followed by “rather than”

Prefer + verb-ing + to/rather than + verb-ing

  • I prefer cycling to taking the bus
  • I prefer eating to cooking
  • I prefer baking cakes at home rather than buying them in the shops
  • I prefer reading a newspaper rather than watching TV

Prefer + to verb + rather than + verb

  • I prefer to cycle rather than take the bus
  • I prefer to eat rather than cook
  • I prefer to bake cakes at home rather than buy them in the shops
  • I prefer to read a newspaper rather than watch TV

NB: Both of these forms are correct and mean exactly the same

На закрепление материала, представляем вам упражнения по данной теме. Подумайте над своими примерами, применимыми для вас лично.

Some of the sentences are incorrect, some are correct. Find the incorrect ones and write the correct sentences in the spaces below.

  1. I prefer to go to the cinema to watch DVDs art home     
  • My sister prefers writing letters to write emails.
  • I prefer to talk with friends on the phone rather than using Facebook.
  • I much prefer to live in a town rather than in a big city.
  • My mother prefers shopping at the market more than in supermarkets
  • My friends generally prefer to send text messages to talking on the phone.                                                
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Шаг 2 Сравнения

After you have told the examiner whether you prefer X or Y you should compare them, so it’s very important to use comparatives correctly.

To form a comparison of an adjective you should

  • Add “-er” if the adjective is one syllable long
  • Add “-ier” if the adjective is more than one syllable and ends in –y
  • Add “more” before the adjective if it is two or more syllable long

When you compare X and Y, you should use one of the following comparative structures

  • X+to be+comparative+than+Y
  • Watching TV is more interesting than listening to the radio
  • Cars are prettier than buses
  • X+to be+not as+adjective+as+Y
  • Listening to the radio is not as interesting as watching TV
  • Buses are not as pretty as cars

Упражнения на закрепление

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences below

  1. My mother prefers to eat at home rather than in restaurants because she says it’s … for one’s health.
  2. More better                            b. best                                         c. better
  3. I think that I prefer student life to working life because we are allowed to be
  4. More creativity                      b.  more creative                        c. creative
  5. Most people prefer taking the airport express light railway to a taxi to the airport because it is …
  6. Much quicker                         b. more quick                              c. more quicker
  7. I prefer to go to parties with friends rather than with family – partying with friends is so much … because I can drink wine and let my hair down!
  8. Exciting                                    b. excitinger                                c. more exciting
  9. To be honest, I prefer travelling to work by bus rather than on foot because it’s …
  10. Easier                                        b. more easy                              c. more easier
  11. I don’t like taking the subway – it’s definitely … as the bus.
  12. More comfortable than         b. lest comfortable                  c. not as comfortable
  13. For me, sending text messages is … sending emails
  14. Funner than                            b. more fun than                       c. not as fun
  15. I prefer studying rather than working because I feel … and …when I study.
  16. Freer, more independent
  17. More free, more independent
  18. Freer, independent

Кроме того, можно использовать дополнительные вещи для усиления вашего ответа.

Extra language discourse markers

Try to use the following words more often when you speak English, as they will help you sound more like a native speaker.

  • Actually/in fact

“Actually” and “in fact” are very often use by native speakers to introduce something that may be surprising or that slightly changes what was being said before

Example: “It is actually a lot cheaper to go to that supermarket

Example: “In fact, public buses are a lot more environmentally friendly than many people think

  • Needless to say

“Needless to say” is another way of saying obviously or everybody knows that without sounding rude or arrogant

Example: “I like eating a lot of cakes, but needless to say, that will make me fat”

  • Also/in addition

“Also” and “in addition” are used to add extra or further information

Example: “I’m a very sociable person. I prefer team sports like football and ice hockey and in addition I like going to the gym with my friends.

Example: “I prefer cycling rather than driving a car because it helps me to keep fit; in addition, it’s better for the environment and it’s also cheaper!”

  • Besides

“Besides” at the beginning of the sentence means “as well as”


“Besides watching TV and talking to my friends, I can relax while travelling on a subway.

“I like riding a bike as it’s a very convenient way to travel. Besides, it’s cheap and I can’t afford a car.

Упражнения для закрепления

Write the words below in the correct spaces

In fact        also         needless to say            besides        actually         in addition to

  1. …, writing letters is a lot cheaper than mailing letters.
  2. I … prefer to eat at home rather than in restaurants.
  3. Writing letters is a more personal way to communicate. … I like writing by hand.
  4. I prefer watching TV to going to the cinema because … being cheaper it’s … more comfortable.
  5. Many people think it’s dangerous to travel by aeroplane but … it’s probably the safest means of transport available.

Типовой ответ

Теперь, собрав весь материал данного урока, мы получаем почти идеальный ответ.

Interviewer: Do you prefer to travel by bike or by bus?

Candidate: I prefer cycling to traveling by bus. Cycling is so much more convenient than taking the bus if you’re not travelling too far. Actually, it’s often faster to go by bike because you don’t get stuck in traffic jams! Cycling is also better for my health than all other means of transport, including buses.

Interviewer: Do you prefer chatting online or talking on the phone?

Candidate: Generally, I prefer chatting online to talking on the phone. I nearly always find that chatting online can be more sociable as you can speak to more than one person at the same time. Also, chatting online is often much more fun because you can send smileys, photos and even videos!Начать изучать английский начать можно уже сейчас, пройдя по ссылкам ниже

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