Money and the Banking System

Money is a medium of exchange that is widely accepted in payment for goods and services. It serves as a unit of account, a store of value, and a standard of deferred payment.

The banking system is a network of financial institutions that provide various banking services such as accepting deposits, making loans, and facilitating the transfer of funds. Banks play a crucial role in the economy by intermediating between savers and borrowers, and by providing a means for the government to implement monetary policy.

Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the United States, are responsible for regulating and supervising the banking system. They also serve as the lender of last resort, providing banks with liquidity during times of crisis.

The relationship between money and the banking system is complex. Banks create money through the process of fractional reserve banking, where they hold a fraction of deposits as reserves and lend out the rest. This process increases the money supply in the economy and can have a significant impact on the economy’s overall performance. Central banks, in turn, use monetary policy tools to control the money supply and interest rates, in order to manage inflation, stabilize the economy and achieve other macroeconomic objectives.

Overall, the banking system and money are essential components of the economy, and the way they interact has a significant impact on the economy’s performance.

1.The purchasing power of money is:
2.Which of the following would cause the money supply in the United States to expand?
3.Which of the following is true of the M1 money supply?
4.When a banker accepts a deposit of $1,000 in cash and puts $100 aside as reserves and then makes a loan of $900 to a new borrower, this set of transactions:
5.Identify the correct statement.
6.Identify the correct statement regarding commercial banks.
7.Identify the correct statement about the supply of money in an economy.
8.Identify the correct statement about the M2 money supply.
9.When people use money to buy and sell goods and services, money serves as a:
10.Which of the following is an asset for a commercial bank?
11.If there is an increase in the supply of money in an economy relative to its demand, then the:
12.Which of the following is true of money?
13.Demand deposits are:
14.Using money as a medium of exchange:
15.Which of the following comprises a major share of the M1 money supply in the United States?
16.Which of the following statements is true of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
17.Required reserves are the:
18.Suppose the hypothetical country of Agraria faced a debt crisis when the government borrowed money from international financial institutions. In order to repay the debt, the government decided to increase the money supply. This caused a(n):
19.Which of the following is not a tool that the Fed can use to control the money supply in the U.S. economy?
20.If savings deposits increase by $2,000, then:
21.Which of the following makes the M1 money supply growth figures less reliable as a gauge of monetary policy?
22.In the decade after payment of interest to banks on their reserve deposits with the Fed was instituted in 2008, the ratio of bank reserves to checkable deposits:
23.The Federal Reserve System regulates:
24.Depository institutions:
25.Which of the following is true of the Board of Governors of the Fed?
26.If a person sells stock and uses the funds to open a time deposit account of $50,000 at a bank, then:
27.Which of the following makes the M1 money supply growth figures less reliable as a gauge of monetary policy?
28.If the Fed wanted to follow a more expansionary monetary policy, which of the following actions would it take?
29.Which of the following is true of the Federal Reserve?
30.Which of the following is an example of fiat money?
31.What is meant by the expression, «There is too much money chasing too few goods»?
32.Which of the following is a feature of a barter economy?
33.The unit of account function of money reflects that money:
34.Which of the following is a component of the M1 money supply?
35.Bank reserves are the:
36.Identify the correct statement.
37.Which of the following is true of the deposit expansion multiplier?
38.Suppose the hypothetical country of Agraria faced a debt crisis when the government borrowed money from international financial institutions. In order to repay the debt, the government decided to increase the money supply. This caused a(n):
39.Which of the following is not included in the M2 money supply?
40.When banks are required by law to maintain a portion of their assets in reserve to back up their checking deposits, these reserve assets are called:
41.A liquid asset refers to an asset that:
42.Which of the following is true of money?
43.Suppose Richard wins $2,000 in a lottery and decides to deposit the money in a bank. If the required reserve ratio is 25 percent, the $2,000 deposit would increase the excess reserves of the bank by:
44.Which of the following is true of the deposit expansion multiplier?
45.The Fed responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 by:
46.Which of the following is true of checkable deposits other than demand deposits?
47.Which of the following is a difference between money and credit cards?
48.When the Fed began paying banks interest on their reserve deposits with the Fed in 2008, this provided it with a tool that could be used to:
49.Widespread use of credit cards:
50.Which of the following is true of money market mutual funds?

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